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Partner Identification Form


PIC - 917390693

OID - E10021284

Promoter's legal name (national language) - ამბრალა

Promoter's legal name (Latin characters – if applicable) - Umbrella

Legal address - Tbilisi, Leri Lagurashvili street #4, Georgia, 0169

Web site - 


Phone - +995598253050

Travel information

Means of transport (car, bus, train, plane) - Plane

City of departure - Tbilisi, Kutaisi

Airport (name of the city) - Tbilisi International Airport, Kutaisi International Airport

VISA costs in euros - Georgia has a visa-free regime with Schengen countries (in case of other countries contact us)

Legal Representative

Title - Mr.

Family name - Mezhdoyan

First name - Stanislav

Position - President

Email -

Mobile/Whatsapp - +995598253050

 Contact person

Title - Ms.

Family name - Pavliashvili

First name - Medea

Position - International Project Manager

Email -

Same address as the organisation

Mobile/Whatsapp- +995574057836

Profile of the Organisation

Status - Private

Activity level -  National

Type - Non-profit / Non-governmental organisation, legal status according to Georgian legislation Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Entity

Please briefly present the partner organisation

Umbrella is a Georgian youth value-based organization that is aiming to educate, motivate and activate young people aged 13-30 in Georgia and beyond, in order to be empowered and develop the communities that are coming from.

The mission of the organization is to support the young people’s progress by creating educational initiatives developing young people’s competence in the field of civil society, environment, human rights and democracy in Georgian society.

To reach the goal we adopted the strategy of setting up youth development spaces to attract young people and implement various youth-led activities at local, national and international levels. Currently, we have four youth centers in different regions of Georgia.

Since the establishment in 2016 our members and beneficiaries have participated in various local, national and international youth work-related events, we have run dozens of projects at the local level and became a partner in the European project with our international partner youth organization. To ensure the real impact we work on local, national and international levels, something that brings innovation and problem-solving youth work results.

Umbrella is a member of the following international or European youth networks – MIJARC Europe, YEE, Rural Europe, GYBN, IYNF, ECYC, FIMCAP and DYPALL.

To better serve target groups recently we assessed the needs of those groups and developed a program and action plan for 2022, which includes activities on the topics of human rights, active citizenship and the environment.

What are the activities and experiences of the partner organisation in youth work? Please provide information on your organisation’s / group’s regular youth work activities.?

To give the exact answer we need to know the details of the project proposal.



We are able to disseminate information about the project as well as the intellectual outcome of the project both in offline and online formats:



Social media – Facebook and Instagram, Telegram channel with more than 7000 followers totally, also YouTube channel in case of video materials. In addition we may disseminate the outcomes via youth centers social media as well as participants' personal accounts.

Website –

International networks – international network organisaitons we are a member of are able to disseminate the outcome via their newsletters – YEE, MIJARC Europe and IYNF.

Emailing - to relevant stakeholders/actors according to the topic:

Other platforms – Youth platforms, and Salto platform



In case of a relevant budget, we are able to translate and print out the outcomes, as well as invite appropriate auditory/target groups to spread the word on the topic.



Our participants are always ready to exploit and implement follow-ups of the international activities at a local level. It could be a presentation, workshop, training module/session, an online or offline campaign in one of our local youth groups/centers. An activity with a minimum of 10 person auditory per activity.

What are the skills and expertise of key staff/persons involved in this project?


President of Umbrella - Slava Mezhdoyan, holds a master’s degree in Public Administration and Human rights and Democratisation. He has experience in the youth field for over 10 years.  His solid practical experience concerning all the aspects of the project cycle in a youth project: need assessment, proposal writing, implementation, evaluation, follow-up activities, reporting. 

He has participated in many various trainings, youth exchanges, conferences, with strong knowledge in the field of project management gained through preparation and implementation of various projects (Erasmus+ and EYF programs).

He is also a qualified trainer and educator; he has experience running youth projects on national and international levels, mainly on the topic of human rights and democracy.

Medea Pavliashvili - She is a communications specialist, European project manager and youth trainer. She has experience in youth work for more than 3 years and has actively participated in various international and local youth projects. She is good at facilitating training and arranging other organizational issues of the project.

She has a humanitarian education background and is currently studying law; despite it, she has a huge interest in environmental studies and is specialized in human rights.


Members/Volunteers of Umbrella are mainly the youth leaders and youth workers that are experienced and are responsible for the educational content of our activities both on local and international levels. Some of them have previously been involved in designing and facilitating trainings and activities carried out in the context of various EU Programs.

Their competencies will be used in order to prepare the group of participants for intercultural experiences, to help the group to maximize the learning outputs and also to help the implementation team with the dissemination of results, providing higher visibility of the project and exploitation of the results.

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